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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Earmarked Appropriations Reports for Non-Profit Organizations

Proviso 117.21 of the South Carolina FY 2022-23 Appropriations Act governs disbursement of direct appropriations (earmarks) to non-profit organizations through state agencies. The proviso requires that recipient organizations provide a plan of how the state funds will be spent, and how the expenditures will provide a public benefit, prior to disbursement. The Executive Budget Office, Department of Administration provides a standard form for collecting the information required.

In accordance with Executive Order 2022-19 and Proviso 117.21, the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education collects these reports and makes them available for public review and inspection. The CHE's point of contact for this process is Mr. Bryce Wilson, Director, Office of Fiscal Affairs, at (803)856-0555. 

FY 2024-2025 Reports

Distribution Certification Reports

FY 2023-2024 Reports

Distribution Certification Reports

Expenditure Reports


Impact Reports


FY 2022-2023 Reports

Distribution Certification Reports

Expenditure Reports

Additional Information from the South Carolina Department of Administration is available at: