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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lottery Expenditure, Verification, and Audit Reports

Each year the CHE produces a summary report on lottery fund expenditures which is informed by institutional-level audits summarizing how lottery funds were expended. The audits also identify issues and concerns on behalf of the CHE, while also noting institutional responses to those issues and concerns. Our annual reports, institutional audits, and policies and procedures are available below.

Lottery Expenditure, Verification, and Audit Annual Reports (Proviso 3.1)
Policies and Procedures

Research and Comprehensive Institutions

Technical Colleges

Independent Institutions

2023 Institutional Audit Reports

Research and Comprehensive Institutions

USC Two-Year Institutions

Technical Colleges

Independent Institutions

2022 Institutional Audit Reports

Research and Comprehensive Institutions

Technical Colleges

Independent Institutions

2021 Institutional Audit Reports

Technical Colleges

Independent Institutions