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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

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Post Secondary Employment Outcomes Explorer

The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education has partnered with the United States Census Bureau to offer the Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) Explorer Tool which offers earnings and geographical employment outcomes for South Carolina public college and university graduates by degree level, degree major, and post-secondary institution.

These statistics are generated by matching university transcript data with a national database of jobs, using state-of-the-art confidentiality protection mechanisms to protect the underlying data. Institution, program and other variables can be changed through the control panel on the left of the tool. 

Graduate Earning Trends

Shows the one, five and ten year earning trends of graduates by institution and program.

Salary Screengrab

Launch the tool to see South Carolina Graduate Earning Trends

Geographical Employment Flows

Shows the geographical location of graduates by program and institution at one, five, and ten years. This is of particular interest to those who wish to understand which majors tend to stay in or leave the state after graduation.

PSEO Flow Image

Launch the tool to see Graduate Employment Flow Trends

PSEO data are experimental tabulations developed by researchers at the Census Bureau, in cooperation with higher education institutions and institutional systems across the nation. They are available for post-secondary institutions whose transcript data have been made available to the Census Bureau through a data-sharing agreement.