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2025 CHE Meetings

The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education holds board and committee meetings regularly throughout the year, typically on the first Thursday of the month. The full list of CHE committees and schedule of regular meetings for the year is posted below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in the CHE offices at 1122 Lady St., Suite 400, Columbia, SC, 29201, in the main conference room on the fourth floor. Any special or called meetings will be noticed and posted below the annual schedule.

The agenda and materials for each meeting are typically available one week in advance and posted below to the meeting date. An email notification is sent to notify interested parties of the posting. If you would like to be added to the notification list or have questions about the schedule, please email Kara Smith or call (803) 856-0995. All meetings are held in accordance with South Carolina Freedom of Information Act.

(Click the downward arrow next to the title to see meeting dates and supporting materials. All links are .PDF documents)

Board of Commissioners Meeting Schedule and Materials
Executive Committee
Committee on Academic Affairs and Licensing (CAAL)
Committee on Student Services (CSS)
Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA)
Committee on Strategic Planning and Accountability (CSPA)

Advisory Committees

Advisory Committee on Academic Programs (ACAP)
Scholarship Enhancement Eligibility Review (SEER)

Council of Presidents 

SC Institutes of Innovation & Information