The South Carolina National Guard College Assistance Program (SCNG CAP), established in 2007, offers financial assistance to members of the South Carolina Army and Air National Guard by providing incentives for service in either the South Carolina Army National Guard or South Carolina Air National Guard. SCNG CAP is administered by the CHE in partnership with the South Carolina National Guard.
South Carolina Army National Guard CAP recipients may receive up to a maximum of $5,500 per academic year if enrolled in a two-year or four-year program at eligible South Carolina institutions.
South Carolina Air National Guard CAP recipients may receive up to a maximum of $11,000 per academic year if enrolled in a two-year program at two-year or four-year eligible South Carolina institutions, OR a maximum of $5,500 at eligible South Carolina four-year institutions per academic year.
The cumulative total of all SCNG CAP benefits is set annually through proviso by the South Carolina General Assembly. The funds are temporary and awarded for one year only: for FY 2024-25 SCNG CAP funding may not exceed $22,000.
SCNG CAP benefits can be awarded up to the cost of attendance, as defined by Title IV regulation. However, the benefit maximum per award year will be reduced if, in combination with other financial aid, the cumulative total of all aid received exceeds the cost of attendance.
SCNG CAP 2024-25 Applications
The SCNG will not accept applications outside of the application windows unless otherwise noted. CAP funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fall application window: 12:01 a.m. on June 1 through 11:59 p.m. on August 1
*Spring application window: 12:01 a.m. on November 20 through 11:59 p.m. on December 15.
* The Spring Application window is ONLY for NEW CAP- eligible students or students who missed the first deadline. If approved, funds will be awarded for Spring and Summer only.
- SCNG CAP Program Contacts
Dr. Karen Woodfaulk
Director, CHE Student Affairs
(803) 856-0578 Alfie B. Mincy
Program Coordinator, SCNG CAP and Veterans Outreach
(803) 856-0579 Kenneth Monroe
Recruiting & Retention Regional Chief – Region 2SCNG CAP Program Manager/Air
SC Air National Guard
(803) 299-8211 Justin Cayton
Recruiting Office Flight ChiefSC Air National Guard
Office: 803-647-8824 Jermaine Edmunds
Retention Office Manager
SC Air National Guard
(803) 647-8854
SGM (Retired) Mr. Paul Mead
Guidance Counselor/CAP Manager
SC Army National Guard
(803) 299-2734 SCNG CAP Links and Resources: