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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

SC CAN GO: Promoting College Access and a College-Going Culture in South Carolina


South Carolina CAN Go To College (SC CAN GO), facilitated by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education Student Affairs Office, promotes a college-going culture for students in our state, and also raise needed college access awareness. The primary goal of this campaign is to encourage South Carolina students and families to take an active role in pursuing higher education. The campaign also helps students and families overcome perceived barriers to higher education and provides resources to assist school counselors and education professionals to help facilitate a college-going culture for all students.

SC CAN GO facilitates three major programs throughout the school year including College Application Month in the fall, College Goal SC to support Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion in the winter and spring, and College and Career Decision Day to celebrate our graduating seniors each May.

College Application Month

College Application Month provides a forum for all South Carolina high school seniors to complete and file college applications while receiving the assistance and resources they need to successfully access higher education.

While much of the focus of College Application Month is geared toward first-generation college students and students who may not otherwise apply to college, we encourage participating high schools to include activities for all students, including freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have already applied to college.

Requirements to host an event are simple: select a date, secure a space in your school or community (computer lab, library, etc.), and use our free materials below to advertise your event to seniors. We will provide the manpower/volunteers. With the assistance of the Carolina Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (CACRAO), admission office personnel from our colleges and universities will assist in these local school events that fall in your “preferred weeks.” 

If you sign up for a date during your preferred weeks (listed on the registration form) no later than June 30, CACRAO and CHE will guarantee college admissions representation at your event!

Additional Information:

  • CHE does attempt to limit the number of schools on specific dates to no more than 10 when possible.
  • Your school may host your College Application Month event during a half day, whole day, multiple days, or the entire week or month. The length of your program is completely up to you.
  • If you see that the assigned week your county falls within does not align with your school schedule and/or activities, you will have to choose another date outside the assigned week.
  • If you are forced to change/cancel your event, please give the college representatives as much notice as possible. This may allow them to shift resources to another CAM event happening on the same day. In the event of a change, it will be the responsibility of the site coordinator/counselor at the high school to notify the college representatives who are registered to attend your event.

Ready to host a College Application Month event?


Register  CAM

College Application Month Resources:

College Goal SC

College Goal SC is an opportunity for ALL students and parents/guardians to receive free assistance while completing and submitting the FAFSA.

Similar to College Application Month, all a school has to do is select a date, secure a space in the school or community (computer lab, library, etc.), and use the free materials below to advertise their event to families in their community/school. CHE will provide the manpower/volunteers through a partnership with the SC Association for Financial Aid Administrators (SCAFAA), SC Technical College System, SC TRIO Programs, and the SC Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission. Staff from colleges and universities will assist in these local school events.

Ready to host a College Goal SC event?


Register  College Goal SC

College Goal SC Resources

College and Career Decision Day (May 7, 2025)

Each year, the CHE hosts a state-wide College and Career Decision Day rally. This rally invites seniors from all over the state to celebrate and recognize students who have committed to attend any college, university, community college, vocational or training program, join the military, or enter the workforce.

If you are unable to join us at the rally, we still encourage you to host your own event to celebrate your college bound students!

The what, why, when and how of College and Career Decision Day South Carolina:

College and Career Decision Day is a high school and community-based event that aims to celebrate the college decision of a graduating high school senior and also impact the college going culture for younger students in South Carolina high schools. The event can take many forms, but in general it is an opportunity to celebrate the academic accomplishments of graduating high school seniors and allow younger students an opportunity to experience the excitement of making a college decision. The events are designed to be impactful, but with minimal cost to the schools.

Why should our school have a decision day event?

College Decision Day South Carolina events help to reinforce the idea that excellence in the classroom, and the decision of any student to attend college, should be given as much pomp and circumstance as high school athletes receive for their college decisions. Every student deserves to receive attention and recognition for making their college choice, whether they are going to college to be a student or a student athlete. College Decision Day Events seek to share this excitement for ALL students going to college or beginning a career.

When should our school have a decision day event?

The month of May will be designated as College and Career Decision Month in South Carolina. Schools are encouraged to hold events throughout the months of April and May as high school graduation approaches.

Signing day event ideas:

Get students involved in the planning process—they know how to best inspire and engage their peers. Invite parents and families to join the fun.

  • Bring in outside speakers, like local celebrities, influential community members or prominent alumni
  • Celebrate with a citywide picnic, party or carnival.
  • Expand an existing school celebration that honors graduates.
  • Encourage sharing on social media with hashtags prominently displayed at the event (#DecisionDaySC).

Registration for College and Career Decision Day 2025 is open, please register below:
