The SC Higher Ed News Digest is compiled weekly by the CHE Communications Team to share relevant state, regional and national higher education news. All links are to external media websites and the ideas expressed therein are not the official position of the CHE. We do not include articles requiring paid subscriptions.
Lander, Self Regional celebrate grand opening of Nursing Skills Simulation Center
Lakelands Connector (Date Posted: Nov. 30)
Relevant topics: Cross-sector partnerships, nursing, workforce development
WYFF News 4 (Date Posted: Nov. 28)
Relevant topic: Excellence
Clemson opens new strategic plan to student, faculty input
Clemson News (Date Posted: Dec. 1)
Relevant Topic: Innovation
Supporters celebrate success of Anne Frank Center
USC News (Date Posted: Dec. 1)
Relevant topic: Innovation, anti-discrimination
Columbia Housing, Midlands Tech partner to provide education opportunities to residents
ABC 25 Columbia (Date Posted: Nov. 29)
Relevant topic: Accessibility, cross-sector partnerships
Use These Policy Levers to Change College and Career Readiness
National College Attainment Network (Date Posted: Dec. 2)
Relevant topic: State policy and advocacy
Good News on College Affordability
Minding the Campus (Date Posted: Dec. 2)
Relevant topic: National trends
College completion rates stall at 62.3%, report finds
Higher Ed Dive (Date Posted: Nov. 29)
Relevant topic: National trends