The SC Higher Ed News Digest is compiled weekly by the CHE Communications Team to share relevant state, regional and national higher education news. All links are to external media websites and the ideas expressed therein are not the official position of the CHE. We do not include articles requiring paid subscriptions.
Most colleges don’t provide accurate financial aid offers, federal watchdog says
Higher Ed Dive (Date Posted: Dec. 6)
Topic: Affordability in Higher Ed.
SCSU seeks state funds for library, dorm replacement
The Longview News-Journal (Date Posted: Dec. 10)
Topic: Legislative affairs, Facilities
USC opens two new iCarolina labs in Laurens and Clinton counties
Greenville Journal (Date Posted: Dec. 5)
Topic: Access
Aiken Standard (Date Posted: Dec. 10)
Topic: Access, Special Needs Higher Ed Initiatives
SC State working to boost safety; gun-sniffing dogs being considered
The Longview News Journal (Date Posted: Dec. 8)
Topic: Campus Safety
REI Automation Creates New Engineering Scholarship
The College Today (Date Posted: Dec. 6)
Topic: Cross-sector partnerships, workforce development
Advocates say increasing Black teachers should be a national concern
NBC News (Date Posted: Dec. 5)
Topic: Teacher Education (references Clemson ‘Call Me MISTER’ program)
(Opinion) Higher Ed Is a Public Good. Let’s Fund It Like One.
Chronicle of Higher Education (Date Posted: Dec. 8)
Topic: Higher Ed Funding (references South Carolina’s individual tuition support programs)
Higher ed faces ‘deteriorating’ outlook in 2023, Fitch says
Higher Ed Dive (Date Posted: Dec. 9)
Topic: Finance, Higher Ed Bond Ratings