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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Student Resources

Students walking

We have compiled a number of student resources for your convenience. Please contact us if you can't find what you are looking for!

Financial Aid

SC Residency Requirements for In-State Tuition

Visit our Residency Information Page.

Scholarship Appeals

Visit our Scholarship Appeals Page.

Palmetto Fellows Scholarship: Reapplication and In-State Transfer Requests

As of December 2024, this process is now online. Current Palmetto Fellows recipients transferring from one eligible SC institution to another eligible SC institution, as well as current Palmetto Fellow students who either 1) took a gap term/year, or 2) are transferring from an out-of-state institution to an eligible SC institution should visit the link below to initiate their requests:

Begin Application

Military Veterans and GI Bill Beneficiaries 

Please visit our Military and Veterans Page

South Carolina National Guard College Assistance Program

 Please visit our South Carolina National Guard College Assistance Program page.

South Carolina Income Tax Credit for Tuition South Carolina

Act 40 of 2017 increased the amount of the income tax credit for tuition at both two- and four-year institutions for tax years beginning after 2017. South Carolina Code Section 12-6-3385, as amended, provides that students attending public or independent institutions of higher education in South Carolina are allowed a refundable individual income tax credit equal to fifty percent tuition paid, not to exceed $1,500, during that taxable year. The South Carolina Department of Revenue (DOR) generates the tax form students may use to determine eligibility and apply for the credit.

For additional information, see "South Carolina Income Tax Credit for Tuition (February 2023)" (PDF) or download the form on the DOR website at: 

Academic and Transfer

Is the degree you want not offered by any South Carolina institution? 

You may be able to enroll in select out-of-state programs at in-state cost, through reciprocity agreements through the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB):

College Transfer Information and Resources

Please visit the South Carolina Transfer and Articulation Center (SC TRAC) for specific course information or learn more about transfer with our Transfer Student Success Guide.

Requesting Education Verification and Transcripts from Closed Institutions

Education Verification and Transcript Request from Closed Institutions FAQ and Procedures (PDF)

Is This a Good School? 

Check out our "Is This a Good School" brochure to learn strategies to help you evaluate the quality of postsecondary educational programs and schools.

CONSUMER ALERT: All higher education institutions operating in South Carolina must be licensed by the CHE. You can view a current list of institutions not licensed by the CHE on our Licensing Page

Beware of educational opportunities that sound too good to be true.

Returning to College / Readmit

Visit our Return to College / Readmit Information Page

Student Life

Student Complaint Procedures and Form

The CHE responds to formal complaints from students against public, independent non-profit and proprietary institutions of higher education in South Carolina. However, the Commission has limited authority over public and non-profit independent colleges and universities and cannot offer legal advice or initiate court proceedings. The Commission may not review student complaints in the following situations:

  • The complainant has retained legal counsel or legal action.
  • The complaint is related to course grades, academic sanctions, or discipline/conduct matters unless the student can prove that the institution did not comply with its policies and procedures for appeal.
  • Another governmental agency has a process or jurisdiction to mediate the complaint.
  • The complaint was submitted to the Commission anonymously.

For more information or to file a complaint, download the Complaint Procedures and Complaint Form (PDF).

Student Organization Misconduct Reports (Tucker Hipps Transparency Act)

As mandated by the Tucker Hipps Transparency act, public college and universities are required to maintain a publicly posted list of conduct violations within student organizations. Visit our Student Organization Misconduct Transparency / Tucker Hipps Transparency Act Page for more information.

Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault Resources and Reporting

There are many resources available for college students who are experiencing relationship violence, who've been victims of sexual assault, and who want to learn how to prevent violence in their lives and in the lives of those they care about.

If you are experiencing an emergency and need help, please call 911.

Access Resources to Prevent and End Sexual Violence:

In 2020, the South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA) created a comprehensive prevention website for teens and college students, parents, educators and community partners to promote healthy relationships and provide strategies to help prevent sexual violence.

Visit to find resources and information.

Get Confidential Help:

24/7 help is available through SCCADVASA's 22 independently operated 501(c)(3) non-profit member organizations. These organizations provide confidential, direct services to survivors of domestic violence, relationship violence, and/or sexual assault.

Click here to access an interactive map to locate your local service provider.

On-Campus Support:

If you are a college student looking for on-campus support or resources, we encourage you to contact your campus Title IX/prevention office or counseling services. If you are in need of additional assistance, please reach out to any of SCCADVASA member organizations or utilize one of the free national hotlines below.

For confidential support outside of South Carolina, please contact any of the below national hotlines.

  • Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): 800-656-HOPE (4673) or contact their live chat through their website
  • Love is Respect: Text LOVEIS to 22522 or 1-866-331-9474 or contact their live chat through their website
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), TTY: 1-800-787-3224 or contact their live chat through their website
Campus Safety Resources

The CHE campus safety point of contact is Dr. Karen Woodfaulk, Director, Student Services
(803) 737-2244,

Family Friendly Campus

Family Friendly Campus Toolkit: Resources and community for campus advocates working to improve conditions and success of parenting students.