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Higher ed plays prominent role in Unified State Plan

Fri, 07/26/2024

The South Carolina Coordinating Council for Workforce Development recently released the inaugural Unified State Plan for Education and Workforce Development, a strategic blueprint designed to streamline workforce development, identify common goals, and enhance efficiencies across state agencies as well as higher education.

The Unified State Plan, released on July 22, is a significant component of the Statewide Education and Workforce Act. It identifies three primary focus areas: awareness, skills, and obstacles. Each focus area includes clearly defined goals, strategies, and metrics to measure progress. Additionally, the plan highlights the need for high-value postsecondary credentials to provide a skilled workforce for South Carolina's growing private sector.

Unified State Plan Cover“Knowledge is the fuel that powers South Carolina’s economic engine. I am very proud to represent the CHE on the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development executive committee,” said Dr. Jeff Perez, President and Executive Director of the CHE.  “Through the USP we will be part of this important undertaking to ensure South Carolina citizens can receive the post-secondary preparation that will equip them for success in whatever career they choose.”

More than 70 of the priority occupations outlined in the plan will require postsecondary education, ranging from credentials to doctorate degrees. The CHE will help advance the goals of the state plan by serving as a conduit that fosters greater alignment between post-secondary education and the state’s workforce needs.

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster said that the Coordinating Council and the Unified State Plan exemplify South Carolina's commitment to communication, collaboration, and cooperation among state agencies and organizations.

“This plan will bridge the gaps between education, workforce, and economic development, preparing our citizens for the multitude of new jobs being created statewide," McMaster said in the press release.

The Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act, introduced by House Speaker Murrell Smith in January 2023, aims to harmonize the efforts of agencies supporting education and workforce development. Smith highlighted the plan's transformative potential, citing it as a first step towards making South Carolina a leader in workforce development and a significant investment in the state's economic success that will address the current and future needs of students, job seekers, and industries.

The Coordinating Council for Workforce Development has dedicated the past year to developing this plan, beginning with meetings in July 2023. The plan is a living document, and the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development will conduct annual reviews and revisions to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

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