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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Crescent High Awarded for Supporting Senior Students in Applying to College

Fri, 05/14/2021

Columbia, SC—Today, the Commission on Higher Education (CHE) presented Crescent High School (CHS) in Anderson County School District 3 the 2020 School of Excellence award. Developed collaboratively by the CHE and the American College Application Campaign (ACAC, affiliate of ACT), the award recognizes CHS’s counseling office for supporting seniors’ postsecondary education pursuits through a variety of college access programs. For many high school seniors, particularly those who will become first-generation collegegoers and those from low-income households, the resources and assistance available through these programs are critical to their continued educations. The award was presented to Mrs. Kathy Hipp, district superintendent, and Mr. Cliff Roberts, CHS’ principal, by Dr. Bettie Rose Horne, CHE commissioner.

Beth Black, director of school counseling at CHS, attended the award presentation. She remarked, “Helping students graduate to higher education—helping give them direction for life after high school—is one of the greatest services we perform as a school. Our college access programs have been key components in our strategy to make good on that. We’re honored to be recognized for our efforts with this award.”

The presentation concludes CHE’s College & Career Decision Month program, which began April 19. Conducted virtually again this year as a precaution for COVID-19, the program brought together public officials, higher education leaders, industry and military representatives, and local celebrities, to celebrate seniors’ graduations and express support for their postsecondary decisions—whether they plan on entering the workforce, attaining a workforce certification, attending a traditional 2- or 4-year school, or enlisting in the military.

Dr. Karen Woodfaulk, Director of CHE’s Office of Student Services, commented, “This year, seniors have worked extremely hard throughout their time in high school to prepare for postsecondary education or enlist in the military… The class of 2021 faced great challenges due to the COVID pandemic, continued to persevere throughout those final steps and made a decision about the next phase of their lives. This was not an easy process for many, and we support and celebrate these extraordinary, resilient seniors who are ready (and well positioned) to move forward through any future challenges. Congratulations to the class of 2021!”

Media related to the College & Career Decision Month celebration can be found on CHE’s social media accounts (@SCCommHigherEd on Twitter and @SCCommHigherEdu on Facebook).