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The CHE offices will be closed on January 20 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.


Action Plan Recommendation 6

Request state funding to establish student transfer scholarships and a statewide awareness campaign for transfer.

Responses from the project’s survey provided evidence for the development of additional resources to support transfer students and overall awareness of transfer opportunities. Survey respondents were asked about the degree to which financial aid or scholarships were available. Thirty-seven percent indicated “not at all” or “slightly.” Fewer than 15 percent of the transfer students surveyed indicated aid or scholarships were available to a “very high” degree. More than 50 percent of the surveyed students indicated counselors did not help them understand the availability of financial aid after transfer. Institutions also had confidence transfer scholarships were effective in promoting transfer student success. Approximately 90 percent of institutions reported transfer scholarships were effective.

A state awareness campaign is not only good for students but also institutional staff. Institutional staff were asked to respond to questions about statewide transfer policy and practice. When asked to reflect on whether the state has a unified approach to transfer issues, 38 percent of those responding perceive the state to have a moderate to very high unified approach to transfer. When asked to provide their perspective on the current state transfer policies in terms of effectiveness in supporting successful student transfer, approximately 50 percent responded the effectiveness of these policies as moderate to very high. About a third of these respondents felt they had no knowledge of the effectiveness of state policy or its approach to transfer.

Additionally, awareness of transfer opportunities is particularly important for first-generation college students, students from low-income backgrounds, students from rural areas of the state, and other student populations who are traditionally underrepresented in state outcome metrics. Additionally, the state has a significant population of individuals with some college but no degree. An awareness campaign should target this population to reengage them and provide the supports necessary to facilitate them to completion.

Higher Education Institution Action: Accept state transfer scholarships as a supplement to current institutional transfer aid and promote aid availability in recruitment efforts. Participate in state awareness campaign by providing the necessary information.

Legislative Action: Appropriate funding necessary to support a new state transfer scholarship and statewide awareness campaign.

Implementation Timeline: The legislative timeline should be considered, and a budget request needs to be developed.