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The CHE offices will be closed on January 20 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.


Action Plan Recommendation 1

Solicit and appoint institutional transfer liaisons at each participating institution and convene regular statewide meetings for transfer policy development, collaboration, and professional development.

Many institutions have a reactive response to transfer in which a person or committee evaluates requests from students for credit for courses that do not already have an established equivalency for that institution. However, some institutions are proactive and evaluate courses at state and regional institutions for equivalency. Responses to the transfer questionnaire administered during the project found 65 percent of institutions have a senior institutional officer who serves as a primary advocate for advancing transfer student attention and support. In addition, 45 percent have a committee focused on transfer and transfer students dedicated to improving transfer. For example, University of South Carolina Columbia has a team that meets monthly to discuss existing and potential articulation agreements and any issues or challenges that arise for transfer and transfer students.

The establishment of a state transfer group would ensure communication regarding state transfer initiatives and the sharing of best practices is done consistently. This group would convene at least once a year. Four regional councils would also be established to further the efforts of this action plan, aid in the overall improvement of the state’s transfer ecosystem and promote workforce development. A state transfer group would also encourage individual and institutional membership in transfer-related professional organizations and participation in regional and national meetings and conferences.

Higher Education Institution Action: Institutions should designate and appoint institution staff member(s) to serve on a state group. Staff member(s) must be committed to actively engage in the group and represent their institution.

Legislative Action: No direct legislative action is required.

Implementation Timeline: The CHE will request institutions submit liaisons immediately and the group will be established by June 30, 2023.